Cult Cinema – Event posters

Poster designs I’ve worked on for Cult Cinema Sunday

Seven Deadly Sins

A range of illustrations I produced in response to the seven deadly sins…

Humber Street Sesh – Live Painting

I was invited to get involved in a live painting event being held as part of the Humber Street Sesh festival event which was held in Hull. I decided to literally just paint my viewpoint of the street itself. Here’s a bunch of work in progress images of the painting that I took as the painting progressed…

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Matryoshka Envelopes

A fun little side project I worked on at the beginning of summer. A colleague of mine, Lindy Norton, has set up a collaborative mail art project, where various artists have been invited to send in an envelope of some kind.

I wanted to produce something a little different, rather than just illustrating on an envelope, so I came up with the idea of doing a Matryoshka-like set of envelopes, where each envelope would contain another smaller envelope…